30 Jun 2020 Election Results
RMHA Election Results
Thank you to all candidates who ran for office and to all members who cast their votes in the RMHA election! Congratulations to those elected who will assume their offices in September.
President- Ellen Knapp
Vice President- Chastity Adkins
Secretary- Gina Purdue
Treasurer- Lyngle Lawson
Hearing Panel- Tim Spencer
Director of Examiners- Tara Stone
Members at Large- Judy Brummer, Marianne Jolley, Susan Travers
Bylaws Change Approved
The proposed Bylaws change was approved (75% approval required, 79% approval obtained) and has been referred to the Rules Committee for incorporation into the Bylaws. The Rules, Rules of Registry, Show Rules and other documents must be reviewed by the appropriate RMHA Committees to maintain conformity throughout. All recommended revisions to these other documents must then be reviewed and approved by the Board before this Bylaw can be published and enacted. All members will be notified when these processes are complete.