05 Nov RMHA Needs YOU!
The RMHA is looking for a few good volunteers! The Nominations Committee is back in gear and looking for some folks to help out. The following positions will be up for election in 2020:
• President
• Vice President
• Treasurer (Accountant/CPA needed)
• Secretary
• 1 Hearing Panel
• 1 Director of Examiners
• 3 Members at Large (looking for 1 from the East Coast/South East, 1 from Kentucky, and 1 from the Plains States/Texas area)
In addition, we are looking for folks with the following skills:
• Investment Mgmt./Fundraising Skills
• Legal
• Technology
• Philanthropy
• Strategy/Vision
We need people who have the ability to donate time, can provide us with these needed skills, and who can help us find/develop sponsors or other needed resources. The Nominations Committee will present a Draft Slate to the RMHA Board on December 7th, so time is of the essence.
If you are interested in running for one of these position, we urge you to request and review the RMHA Board of Director Position Descriptions, Requirements and Responsibilities document, which is available from the office or from one of the people on the Nominations Committee, and the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, which is on the Website. If you have any questions, please call the RMHA Headquarters or contact one of the Nominating Committee members listed below:
Janet Peters (Chair) – jpslabs@gmail.com
Marianne Jolly – mjolley737@gmail.com
Melissa Grimes – xlr8lfvn@gmail.com
Ellen Knapp – eknapp2000@yahoo.com
Sean O’Bryan – obryan@mac.com
Mindy Smith – geminimindy1@aol.com
Lyngle Lawson – sales@stonerridgefarm.com